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FEBRUARY 23, 1992


I, Douglas, have been living at ... since 1979. Until the spring of 1990 when Anais' father Stanley purchased ... , which is fully attached to our home, our family was able to function very effectively. Stanley introduced himself as Ram F. , a follower of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the cult figure who was extradited from the United States.

I got acquainted with Anais in April 1990 when I repeatedly had to ask her, at her door, to tone down series of 4 or 5 consecutive blow-out Friday night parties she had hosted. On each of those occasions I spelled out, for Anais, the damaging impact of the noise on our family and I invited her into our home so she could experience the party noise from our side of the wall, She refused to come into our home and listen to the noise and the parties went on as if I hadn't spoken to her, So, virtually as soon as I met Anais, my family's descent into Noise Hell began.

In order to resolve this problem, we met with Stanley at ... in early June 1990, when he acknowledged the disturbances, and said they would not continue.

Anais, whom I understand was then living with her mother, would come and use ... as a party / socializing centre. May 10, 1991 was one of those occasions. On that night P.C. Mc and P.C. Mac attended and witnessed, for about an hour, with my wife Janis and myself, noise which included yelling , screaming, and loud laughing coming through our interior main - floor wall plus loud music projecting into the back yard. At approximately 11:00 pm, P.C. Mc charged Anais with violating Noise By - Law 44 - 75. At that time both officers cautioned Anais as well as Stanley, who came up the walk while Anais was being charged. A conviction for this offence was registered on May 28, 1991. While witnessing the noise with us, P.C. Mc and P.C. Mac advised us that taking our information down to a Justice of the Peace would be constructive and they informed us that this behaviour would become Mischief if it kept going on.

After Anais and her housemate Rebecca moved into ... on June 1, 1991 the noise problem grew to mammoth proportions during the summer. With Anais as the head of the household, in Stanley's /frequent absence, it was as if we were sharing a common wall with a fraternity or sorority house that is often out of hand.

Throughout the months of June, July, and August 1991, Anais and Rebecca made and / or permitted the making of atrocious noise that frequently lasted throughout the course of the night and which profoundly interfered with the sleep cycle of our family. Many, many teens went in and out of ... at all hours of the day and night. Lots of these people appeared to have keys. ... guests, at many of these parties and gatherings, littered our front and back yard and our third - floor roof deck, with cigarettes. We asked them to stop this both verbally and in writing but they didn't.

On Friday, June 7, 1991 after Anais had been charged and convicted of violating Noise By - Law 44 - 75 and after Stanley had been charged with Mischief for the same behaviour, Anais and Rebecca had the nerve to slip a note under our door to ask for our permission to let her noise abuse us again. Anais, who had had a blow -out housewarming party in May 1990, was asking for our permission to let her do it again on June 7, 1991.

Distressed by this note I went to the door and spoke with Rebecca. Anais, I have found, often sends representatives to the door to deal with the outside world. At that time I was very frank with Rebecca in that I spelled out the kinds and volume of noise we were hearing on the various levels of the house. I explained that the lack of interior walls and furniture in ... enhanced the noise transmission characteristics of their property and I suggested that she and Anais adjust their behaviour accordingly. I informed her that Stanley had been charged with Mischief for similar behaviour and I said, in no uncertain terms, that our family did not want to live through another night of Noise Hell. I further spelled out the damage being done to our family. Leslie .of ..., partially attached on the north side, also told Rebecca that his family didn't want any more noise either. Rebecca assured me that she would convey what I had said to Anais and she also assured me that our family would be respected and that things would no longer get out of hand.

In spite of what was said, a huge blow - out party began at 8:00pm that night in ... with Anais and Rebecca as hostesses. During the blow - out party our house was vibrating from top to bottom as a result of sound - systems blaring and party noises coming through the walls. During that party about 150 teens went in and out of ...

Very distressed, with our 10 year - old daughter Renata in tears, unable to sleep, I called 14 Division. The ... front - of - the - house watch system ensured that the interior party noise was toned down when two police officers attended at 10:40pm. The officers told me that Anais and Rebecca had been advised to keep things under control and said that they would come back if there was still noise at midnight. When the police left the party quickly returned to blow - out level. The Noise Hell situation in our home was so awful that Renata was shaking, crying and vomiting and unable to sleep. The police did not return when I put in other calls at midnight and later.

Curiously, after the police officers left, Anais and Rebecca went around proclaiming "The cop said our party's O.K. ! The cop said our party's O.K. !" They further yelled repeatedly, in reference to me : "Let's give the fucking asshole a night to remember !" At about 2:00pm there was a huge exodus from ... with teens drinking , yelling and shrieking in the street, and a parade of cars formed in the front of ... and the neighbouring houses.

I felt very sick inside in 127 Court on September 27, 1991 when Stanley, who was representing Anais, grinned as I testified about my daughter Renata's pain and suffering from the noise abuse she experienced the night of June 7 - 8, 1991. In spite of the promise Anais and Rebecca had made in their handwritten note of June 7 to cooperate for the rest of the summer after this event, the noise continued.

On about June 13, 1991, after having been kept up by noise until after 2:00am the previous night, I went out into my back yard at about 10:00am to make repairs to our picnic bench. Anais' boyfriend Kerim appeared on the rear patio of ... and leered at me with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. About half an hour through later I went inside our house and Julia and I could hear their sound system blasting through the walls. Julia was trying to study for grade 13 final exam. I went to the front door of ... and a defiant Keram appeared at the door. Anais typically cruised in and out of the conversation. Keram, with considerable pomp and arrogance, advised me that he and Anais had spoken about this with "Dad" whom he said is Justice ... As a result of his consulting with his "Dad" Keram said that he and Anais were not breaking any law and thus could carry on in this way. He further advised me that I had much to learn about being a good neighbour. Once again I spelled out to Keram and Anais the damaging impact of the noise to our family.

By July 20, 1991, after 15 months of noise abuse, as documented in Dr. ... letter of July 18, 1991, our family was rendered virtually dysfunctional. On August 23, 1991, Stanley entered into a 12 month Peace Bond. In court that day Judge ... said "let him get his tenants out ... Get them out." Anais who is still in ... did not leave and Rebecca stayed until August 31 when she was leaving anyway. Just to establish how contemptuous these people are : on August 27, 1991, just four days after Stanley entered into his Peace Bond, Janis was startled, between 12: 15 - 12:35 am, in bed, by teen yelling coming through the wall from ...

On September 5, in the evening, the night before the first Noise By - Law 14913 trial date, we saw and heard Anais socializing with friends in .... On September 6, Stanley came to court with a doctor's note saying that Anais was sick. On the night of September 6 -7 from 11:20pm - 4:00am, there was a loud ruckus in ... hosted by Anais. On September 5, 1991, the continuation of Janis vs. Anais took place in 127 Court. Again Anais did not appear and Stanley told the court "There is no more, partying, your Honor." On October 11, 1991 in 127 Court Anais and her Degrassi colleague Sari testified, under oath, a version of the events during Anais' occupancy that nobody in this community that I know of can verify. Curiously she and her gathering and / or party guests seem to have a unified story to tell that is quite removed from our remembrances. Our family and community observers in court that day were particularly perturbed when Anais testified that she isn't having parties and that she never parties at ... until 3:00am - 4:00am. Sure enough, the night after this testimony, on October 11 - 12 from 9:30am - 3:10am, yet another party was underway at ...

Noise Journal entries document further noise disturbances since Anais entered into her Peace Bond. On Friday, January 17, 1992, in the hallway outside of 111 Court, Mr. ..., Anais' lawyer, told us that he has spoken to someone and understands our situation. He further admitted that Anais and Stanley have indeed made this noise and he said he has cautioned Anais and can't understand why she won't stop making noise. At that time we asked Mr... to suggest to the ... that they sound - proof their home.

The atrocious noise of the ... has invaded our home and thus the distinction between their lifestyle and ours is dramatically diminished because our home is filled with noise from their home. Our family feels held hostage in "Noise Hell" by the collectivizing effect of the disturbing and intrusive noise coming from .... We are tired of being treated as non-people and we are tired of being victims of their intimidation and harassment. We seek to reassert the gratifying lifestyle we had before the ... moved into ...

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